Read on to learn more about hosting with Red Door Inspirations, get the answers to some FAQs, and see some of the products that make up our fundraising cards. After that keep scrolling to the bottom to fill out the fundraising application to get started on your fundraising journey. We are so excited to be a part of this with you!

What does it look like to host your fundraiser with Red door inspirations?
Fundraiser Information
Do you have a sports team, school, or organization that would like to raise money? Are you
going on a mission trip, saving for summer camp or trying to adopt? Red Door Inspirations
would love to partner with you to help you raise money! We have several greeting cards that
are designed for the sole purpose of helping your group with their financial goals.
Fundraising with Red Door Inspirations is simplistic - requiring little from sellers.
1. Choose an individual to be the contact person for your Fundraiser and have them fill out an
application at least 30 days before fundraising date. Red Door Inspirations will be in touch
once your application is approved.
2. Red Door Inspirations will create a website with 12 cards available from different genres.
Website will be available for 2 weeks from start date you choose.
3. Have members of your organization share your group’s personal fundraiser website link with
friends, family members, neighbors, etc. via text, social media.
4. Customers shop and pay for the cards online. They will enter coupon code that is unique to
your fundraiser. They will have the option to pay shipping and have orders shipped directly to
them or to receive free shipping and have their order delivered to group.
5. At the end of 2 weeks, we will package up and ship all orders being delivered by group to
the contact person along with a check for money earned.
***Red Door Inspirations reserves the right to refuse any applications on any bases.

Some answers to your FAQs
Is there a minimum amount of cards that have to be ordered?
Yes, we have a small minimum of 20 greeting cards that need to be sold in order to qualify for being a fundraiser. If you do not sell the minimum of 20 greeting cards, you will not receive a check.
How much money will we make?
We are excited that for each greeting card that you sell (minimum 20 cards), your group will
make a whopping $3 per card!!!
Does the organization get to choose which cards are available for sale?
Not at this time.